Dr. Nicola Chambers

FRACGP, Vocationally Registered General Practitioner, GP Supervisor

Dr Chambers completed her GP training in Scotland in 2009 and moved to Melbourne where she has worked in the Western suburbs for the last 10 years.

She enjoys the continuity and holistic nature of General Practice, and her areas of interest are women’s health, including shared antenatal care as well as mental health and chronic disease.  Nicola has completed further training and diplomas in Children’s Health and Family Planning.

She is also a Womens Health Specialist GP primarily in hormonal issues such as menopause and perimenopause. She is a practising member of the Australian Menopause Society and her other role outside the clinic is running a menopause clinic at Willow Menopause. To book please visit the website here.

Dr Chambers is passionate about debunking the myths that surround perimenopause and enabling women to feel informed and empowered about their choices during this transition.

She performs minor procedures including Implanon and Mirena (IUD) insertions.

Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her young children as well as running, sewing and playing tennis